Tuesday – 1st May 1944 19451

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          At the beginning of the period the Battalion was in general support of XII Corps and supporting 90th Infantry Division screening the Corps left flank.  Two batteries were in position in the vicinity of Dofering (Döfering) Germany and one in the vicinity of Arnaschwang (Arnschwang Upper Palatinate Bavaria) Germany.

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Tuesday – 1st May 1945:[2]

          At the beginning of the period the Battalion was in general support of XII Corps and supporting 90th Infantry Division screening the Corps left flank.  Two batteries were in position in the vicinity of Dofering (Döfering) Germany and one in the vicinity of Arnaschwang (Arnschwang Upper Palatinate Bavaria) Germany.


Tuesday – 1st May 1945:[3]

          The Battalion, less Battery “A” and one platoon of Battery “B” was in position in vicinity of Dofering (Döfering) Germany (WU 5593), attached to 177th Field Artillery  Group, in general support of XII Corps and reinforcing fires of 344th Field Artillery Battalion of 90th Infantry Division on the Corps left flank bordering Czechoslovakia.  Battery “A” in position in vicinity of Arnaschwang (Arnschwang Upper Palatinate Bavaria) Germany (WO 6887) operating separate Fire Direction Center, for better coverage of 90th Infantry Division Zone.  Detached platoon of Battery “B” rejoined Battalion, having completed special mission in vicinity of Waldkirchen, Germany.


Tuesday – 1st May 1945:[4]

0830 – Battalion Executive left by plane to inspect 1st Platoon of Battery “B” which is on a special operation in the   

            vicinity of Waldkirchen Germany.

1015 – 177th F.A. Group Executive at Battalion CP. For conference with Battalion Commander.

1020 – Battalion Executive returned to Battalion CP.  __________ too _______ to “B” 1st Platoon.

1025 – Received XII Corps Survey Control, dated 10 April 1945 from 177th F.A. Group.

1130 – 177th F.A. Group Executive left Battalion CP.

1150 – Battalion Executive left to inspect 1st Platoon of “B” Battery located in the vicinity of Waldkirchen, Germany,

1630 – Battalion Executive returned to Battalion CP.  “B” Batter’s, 1st Platoon on way to rejoin Battalion.

1640 – Receive 90th Infantry Division Check Points, Map Scale 1:100,000 from 177th F.A. Group.

0001 – 2400 – Started AOP adjustment on six enemy tanks and vehicles at (71? 075); fired on them with good effect.  Started GOP  

            adjustment on one tank – GOP decided it was friendly tank after two rounds had been expended.  Fired on enemy strong point

            in a castle – castle destroyed – strong point neutralized. Fired on vehicles, enemy guns and infantry – results:  two guns

            neutralized; 1vehicle destroyed, unknown casualties to infantry.  Five H & I missions on towns and ___ ___.

1st May 1945 Battery “A” Morning Report:

                              Arnschwang, Germany WU6988
                                        Kinley, Frank W.                                           13 157 407              S/Sgt.    MOS 745            Code A3
                                                  Asnd & jd (Reld atchmt) from
                                                  Prinf Bn., 17th Reinf Depot per par 2
                                                  SO#23, 244th FA Bn. Race W.
          Two Em Limited Assignment Personnel.

1st May 1945 Battery “B” Morning Report:

                              Dofering, Germany WU5593
                                        Davis, Wilson C. Sr.                                 33 643 031       Pvt.          MOS 745           Code A3
                                        Gonzelves, Joe E.                                      39 422 465       Pvt.          MOS 951           Code A3
                                        Rogers, Billy W.                                        44 017 817       Pvt.          MOS 745           Code A3
                                        Rohora, John                                              33 895 639       Pvt.          MOS 745           Code A3
                                                  Above 4 EM asgd & jd (Reld stchmt)
                                                  from 53rd Reinf Bn. 17th Reinf Depot
                                                   per par 2, SO #23. Hq 244th FA Bn.
          Two EM Limited Assignment Personnel.

1st May 1945 Battery “C” Morning Report:

                              Lixendofering Germany WU5592
                                        Carasella, John J.                                        36 674 552      Pvt.          MOS 745          Code A3
                                        Riccardi, August A.                                    42 150 824      Pvt.          MOS 745          Code A3
                                                  Above 2 EM asgd & jd (Reld Atchmt) from
                                                  53rd Reinf Bn 17th Reinf Depot per par 2,
                                                  SO #23, Hq 244th FA Bn Race W
                                        Davis, Trant E.                                             38 446 696      Tec. 4      MOS 060          Code 11-4
                                                  Aptd S/Sgt per par 3, SO #23. Hq 244th FA Bn
                                                  MOS changed to 824
                                       Stansfield, James C.                                      37 354 931       Cpl.         MOS 055          Code 12-905
                                                  MOS changed to 405
                                       Prince, George S.                                          14 083 284       Pfc.         MOS 531          Code 12-345
                                                  MOS changed to 345
          One EM Limited Assignment Personnel

1st May 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report:

                              Dofering, Germany WU5593
                                        Carver, Robert H.                                          34 421 760       T ec. 4
                                                  Promoted to S/Sgt par 3, SO #23, Hq. 244th
                                                  FA Bn.
          No limited assignment personnel


1st May 1945 Service Battery Morning Report:

                              Rhan, Germany WU5493
                                        Middleton, Edward H.                                    34 358 083       S/Sgt.
                                                 Sk in qrs LD to dy
                                        Hooten, Arthur J.                                            34 358 083       S/Sgt.
                                        Jones, Robert J.                                              39 059 246       Pfc.
                                                Above two men aptd Tec 5 per par 3,
                                                SO #23, HQ., 244th FA Bn.
           No limited assignment personnel

1st May 1945 Battery “A” Morning Report:

                              Arnschwang, Germany WU6988
                                        Kinley, Frank W.                                            13 157 407        S/Sgt.    MOS 745            Code A3
                                                  Asnd & jd (Reld atchmt) from
                                                  Prinf Bn., 17th Reinf Depot per par 2
                                                  SO#23, 244th FA Bn. Race W.
          Two Em Limited Assignment Personnel.

29th March 1945 Battery “B” Morning Report:

                              Bruchkobel, Germany WM8476

                                        Wantke, Edward A.                                              32 144 311  Pfc.

                                                     Sk in qrs LD to dy

                                                                CORRECTION (24 Mar 45)

                                        Harvey, Roert K.                                                  33 301 272   Pvt.

                                                      Dy to sk in 5th Coll. Co LD Battle


                                                                SHOULD BE

                                        Harvey Robert K.                                                33 301 272   Pvt.

                                                       Dy to LIA 5th Coll. Co Battle


                                        Harvey, Robert K.                                               33 301 272   Pvt.                         Code M5

                                                       LIA to evacuated through 5;th (Coll. Co)                                                              Code 2403

                                                       Med Bn to Hosp unknown Battle Casualty

                                                       Foot injury. Dy 531.

     Departed Lammerspiel, Germany 1330.

     Via Motor Convoy. Arrived present sta

  1. Distance marched approximately

     9 miles.

          Two EM Limited Assignment Personnel

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