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244th F. A. Battalion Shows TIS Students Effect of Fire Power
The devastating effect of field artillery fires shown in The Infantry School demonstrations held at Fort Benning has been furnished by twelve 105mm howitzers manned and fired by the 244th Field Artillery Battalion. This Field artillery unit, which is a part of the School Troops Brigade, of the Infantry School, has for the last six months participated in Infantry School demonstrations for the purpose of giving the students a chance to see, in actual operation, the difference artillery techniques.
The 244th Field Artillery Battalion was activated August 6, 1942 at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, under the command of Lt. Colonel George E. Cook. The original cadre came from the 172nd Field Artillery, a National Guard Regiment from the State of New Hampshire.
Men came to the newly activated unit from states of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida and Pennsylvania. Basic training was completed at Camp Shelby and in April 1943 the Battalion was assigned to The Infantry School Troops Brigade.
The 244th Field Artillery Battalion was a member of the Infantry School Baseball League and in spite of the fact that the team was inexperienced; they gave all the opposing teams a good fast game. Pvt. Norbert Schulte, versatile shortstop for the 244th was awarded a $50.00 War Bond for being the most valuable player on the team.
Headquarters Battery, 244th Field Artillery Battalion was given the honor of firing a 21-gun salute for President Roosevelt on his arrival here at Fort Benning this summer. They did the honors again a short time later when General Henri Giraud of France arrived here for a short visit and later for Major General Dutra, Brazilian Minister of War.
On Sunday, August 8th, the first anniversary of the 244th Field Artillery Battalion was celebrated at the Student Training Brigade Rest Camp with a Battalion party that was enjoyed by a large crowd. On Saturday, October 2nd the 244th participated in a joint Field Day with the 252nd Field Artillery Battalion. This successful event included individual and group contests and brought the two Field Artillery Battalions together for a sport event that was packed with plenty of thrills.