Dear Folks,
I am going to make your reservations at the Bon Air Hotel this evening. I know you will like it there – it’s a real nice place up on “the hill”. I will see if I can skip school Friday in time to meet you at the Depot. If you can advise me of the hour your will arrive, it will make it easier.
It will be swell having you down here, I know you will like Augusta – it’s the best city we’ve hit yet. I can’t advise you on the weather, ‘cause it changes too often, but you had better bring something warm.
Since the Col has left, things are rather dull. Wink and I have been sticking rather close to home. Its sure was tough losing him, and I know he hated to leave us, but it all in the game.
I’ll bet Peg was glad to hear from Don – and to know he’ll be home soon. All of us are due for “leave” soon – after our Battery tests are over. The pictures of the boys are just swell, I’ve never seen cuter ones. I’ll bet they are fun to have around.
Have you been able to get the small snapshots? Jane asked about them every time. I sure hope you like her. You’ll meet her Saturday night and if her folks haven’t gone to Florida – I’d like you to meet them too. They are older people, but very nice. He’s connected with a large Cotton Mill – travels a lot but
is “semi-retired”.
Jane’s older sister, Eleanor is home for the duration. Her husband is an officer in the Engineers. Her brother is a Lt. in the Ord. All overseas.
Jim has been sick all this last week. He got up today and as soon as we dress we’re going to Oakdale for a hug steak, Boy – they are stupendous. Will have one or two!! when you to get here.
Monday and Tuesday, we inspect all cloths for serviceability. I guess we’ll get all new stuff soon.
Not much else has happened except work. Much love