An operational directive issued to the Commanding Generals, VIII, XII and XX Corps stated in part:
VIII Corps (76th, 87th and 89th Infantry Divisions, 4th Armored Division and attached troops) was to assume command of the 4th Armored Division in place on Army order, was to coordinate with XX Corps on the move through its zone to the new VIII Corps zone, and was to advance east in the direction Sontra (H57)—Langensalza (J08).
XII Corps (26th, 71st and 90th Infantry Divisions, 11th Armored Division and attached troops) was to pass control of the 4th Armored Division to VIII Corps on Army order, was to continue to advance east in its zone, and was to protect the right (south) flank of Third U.S. Army.
XX Corps (65th and 80th Infantry Divisions, 6th Armored Division and attached troops) was to continue to advance east in its zone and was to protect the left (north) flank of Third U.S. Array. The 5th Infantry Division was to continue its mission in the Frankfurt (M67) area and the woods northeast of the city, after which it was to revert to Army control for movement to the vicinity of Giessen (G62).
The 13th Armored Division closed in the vicinity of Oberstein (L72), while the 70th Infantry Division remained in the vicinity of Bad Kreuznach (M03). Both divisions assumed policing duties.
All organized resistance in VIII Corps zone was destroyed by the 76th, 87th and 89th Infantry Divisions and the 6th Cavalry Group. The 76th and 89th Infantry Divisions moved to areas south of Homberg (H17), while the 6th Cavalry Group moved near Muhlbach (H26), passing to temporary operational control of XX Corps.
A bridgehead across the Werra River near Creuzberg (H77) in XII Corps zone was established by the 4th Armored Division, after which Combat Command “A” advanced east to Streoda (H87) while Combat Command “B” reached Goldbach (J07). Another bridgehead was established farther south when Combat Command “A” (11th Armored Division) captured a bridge intact near Ritschenhausen (H91) from which point it advanced fifteen miles to the east. Meanwhile, Combat Command “B” (11th Armored Division) closed to the west bank of the Werra River. Continuing its advance to the northeast, the 90th Infantry Division (less 359th Infantry) gained ten miles, while mopping up in the rear of 4th Armored Division, Fulda (H31) was cleared by the 26th Infantry Division, which continued to follow the 11th Armored Division. To the rear, the 71st Infantry Division continued its mopping up operations, while the 2nd Cavalry Group, still south of the Third – Seventh U.S. Army boundary, continued to screen the corps south flank. The 16th Cavalry Group, in assembly, prepared to move to Fifteenth U.S. Army zone west of the Rhine River.