Sunday – 1stJuly 19451

          Battalion began to split up.  Some Enlisted Men and Officers went to other outfits and we received some for duty with Battalion as we were headed home.

Sunday – 1st July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report2

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Davis, Harold S. (FA)                      0 422 038    Mjr.                  Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from 255th FA Bn, APO 403, Princ
                              Dy Bn Exec 1193, Race W, Comp AUS par 1, SO
                              #50, Hq XII Corps Arty (ASR 96-No-47.0-A).
                    Jonas, John W. (FA)                       0 349 637    Capt.  MOS 9301   Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from 974th FA Bn, APO 403, Princ
                              dy S-2 9301. Race W, Comp ORC, par 1, SO #
                              50, Hq XII Corps Arty (ASR 89.No-45.7-A).
                    Stromm, Stanley M. (FA)                 0 318 760    Capt.  MOS 2162   Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from 255th FA Bn, APO 403. Princ
                              dy Ass’t S-3 2162, Race W. Comp ORC, par 1,
                              SO #50, Hq XII Corps Arty (ARS 93-N0-38.9-A).
                    Ivey, Robert L. (FA)                       0 413 959    1st Lt. MOS 1981  Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from 657th FA Bn, APO 403, Princ
                              Dy Ln Pilot 1981, Race W, Comp NG, par 1, SO
                              #50, Hq XII Corps Arty. (ASR 88-No-28.7-A)
                    Bodnar, Michael J. W-2                     106 023    WOJG  MOS 2200  Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from 255th FA Bn, APO 403, Princ
                              dy Personnel 0 2200, Race W, Date of Rank
                              30 Mar 43, par 1, SO #51, Hq XII Corps Arty
                              (ASR 94-No-40.O-B)
                    Humphrey, Robert G.  (FA)              0 254 649    Mjr.                   Code K1
                    Torres, Victor M. (FA)                     0 293 872    Capt.                 Code K1
                              Above 2 O’s reld from asgn and drfd to and
                              departed for 255th FA Bn, APO 403 par 1, SO
                              #50, Hq XII Corps Arty.
                    Winkworth, James R. (FA)               01 168 527    1st Lt.               Code J1
                              Reld from asgmt and trfd to and departed
                              for 974th FA Bn, APO 403 par 1, SO #50
                              Hq XII Corps Arty.
                    Garland, Max L. (FA)                      01 165 292    1st Lt.               Code K1
                              Temporary dy Hq XII Corps Arty, APO 312 to
                              Trfd to 179th FA Bn, APO 403 par 1, SO 50
                              Hq XII Corps Arty.
                   Mathis, Jacob C. (FA)                      01 179 523    1st Lt.               Code J1
                              Reld from asgmt and trfd to and departed
                              For 974th FA Bn, APO 403 par 1, SO #51, Hq
                              XII Corps Arty.
                    Mauger, Frank J. (FA)                     01 169 634    1st Lt.               Code K1
                    Hamilton, Joseph G. W-2                      116 245    CWO
                              Above 1 O and 1 WO reld from asgmt and trfd
                              to and departed for 255th FA Bn, APO 403 par
                              par 1, SO #51, Hq XII Corps Arty

Sunday – 1st July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report3

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Shoffeitt, Paul E. (FA)                     0 353 034    Capt.   MOS 2901     Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from 255th FA Bn, APO 403, Princ
                              dy unasgd, Race W, Comp ORC, par 1, SO #50
                              Hq XII Corps Arty (ASR 110-No-43.3-A.
                    Berry, Gordon B. (FA)                    01 171 053    1st Lt.  MOS 0600     Code A1
                    Brink, Phillip A. (FA)                      01 169 037    1st Lt.  MOS 0600     Code A1
                              Asgd not jd from 974th FA Bn, APO 403, par 1
                              SO #51, Hq XII Corps Arty.
                    Shinaberry, Jacob W. (FA)               01 172 654    1st Lt.  MOS 1183     Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from Btry B this Bn Princ dy
                              Motor 0 0600 Race W, Comp AUS, par 5, SO #
                              43, Hq 244th FA Bn (ASR 82-No-37.3-A)
                    Duker, John E., Jr. (FA)                    0 313 275    Capt.
                              Reld from asgmt Ass’t S-3 2162 and asgd
                              Princ dy S-3 2162 par 5, SO #43, Hq 244th
                              FA Bn.

Sunday – 1st July 1945 Battery “A” Morning Report4

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Malm, Robert L. (FA)                    01 168 353    1st Lt.               Code K1
                              Reld asgmt & asgd to 255th FA BN per
                              par 1, SO #51 Hq XII Corps Arty
                    Callahan, Raymon W. (FA)              0 556 732    2nd Lt.               Code J1
                              From temp dy Hq XII Corps Arty to reld asgmt
                              & asgd to 974th FA Bn per par 1, SO #51, Hq
                              XII corps Arty Departed
                    Berry, Grady T.                             34 249 327    Sgt.                    Code K1
                    DeCapite, Benjamin D.                    33 292 512    Sgt.                    Code K1
                    Drake, Duane C.                            33 254 511    Sgt.                    Code K1
                              Above 3 EM reld asgnt & asgd to 200th FA
                              Bn per par 4 SO #42 Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Miller, Alvin L.                              33 292 677    Cpl.                     Code K1
                              Reld asgmt & asgd to 286th FA Bn Obsn Bn
                              Per par 2, SO #51 Hq ZII Corps Arty
                    Robertson, William O.                     37 494 061    Sgt.                     Code K1
                              From temp dy 286th FA Bn Obsn Bn to frfd
                              To 286th FA Bn Obsn per par 2, SO# 51
                              Hq Xii Corps Arty
                    Flaming, Robert H.                         20 326 516    Sgt.     MOS 873      Code A1
                              ASR Score 109 (A)
                    Keiter, Raymond W.                        33 011 963    Sgt.     MOS 873      Code A1
                              ARS Score 105 (A)
                    Shinn, Clifton T.                            36 303 582    Sgt.     MOS 873      Code A1
                              ASR Score 105 (A)
                    Brown, James M.                           20 325 888    Sgt.     MOS 873      Code A1
                              ASR Score 114 (A)
                              Above 4 EM asgd & jd from 200th FA Bn per
                              Par 2, SO #43 Hq 244th FA Bn Race W
                    Perfetti, John P. (FA)                      01 175 031    1st Lt.  MOS 1193     Code AA
                              Asgd & jf from Btry “C” this Bn per par 5 SO
                              #43 Hq 244th FA Bn princ dy 1195 Race W
                              Comp AUS (ASR 88 No. 39.5-c)
                              Code FA30, 1LTF, 1193, 1193, 6, 88, 395, C

Sunday – 1st July 1945 Battery “C” Morning Report5

                              Cham Germany wU5880
                    Coonty, Edmund P. FA                     0 556 728    2nd Lt.                 Code K1
                              Reld asgmt & asgd to 255th FA Bn per Par 1, SO
                              #51, Hq XII corps Arty departed
                    Carpenter, William A.                     34 349 928    Sgt.                     Code K1
                    Yarbrough, William E.                     34 359 958    Sgt.                     Code K1
                              Above 2 EM reld asgmt & asgd to 200th FA
                              Bn per Par 4, SO #42 Hq 244th FA Bn departed
                    Perfetti, John P. FA                        01 173 031    1st Lt.                   Code K1
                              Reld asgmt & asgd to “A” Btry this Bn per Par
                              3, SO #43, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Kelley, Ralph H. FA                        01 170 794    1st Lt.                    Code K1
                              Asgd & jd from 255th FA Bn (ASR Score 103-
                              A-No-40.0) per Par 3, SO #43, Hq 244th FA Bn
                              Princ Dy 1193 USA Race W
                    Yates, John W.                              38 069 603    Sgt.     MOS 873      Code A1
                              ASR Score 100-A Race W
                    Zigo, Paul T.                                 33 023 153    Sgt.     MOS 873      Code A1
                              ASR Score 106-A Race W
                              Above 2 EM asgd & jd from 200th FA Bn per Par
                              2, SO #43, Hq 244th FA, Bn

Sunday – 1st July 1945 Service Battery Morning Report6

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Falkenstein, Rovert R. (FA)                0 466 791    Capt.                   Code K1
                              Reld from asgmt and trfd to and departed
                              for 255th FA Bn., APO 403 par 1, SO #50, Hq
                              XII Corps Arty.
                    McGinnis, Vincent F. (FA)                01 165 419    1st Lt.  MOS 0600     Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from 255th FA Bn (ASR Score 93
                              A-No-39.6) par 3, SO #43, hq 244th FA Bn
                              Princ Dy Bn Motor O (0600) Race White
                              Comp AUS

          Aerial photo overlay onto Google Maps showing the area around the Schwager Villa Headquarters, the large 155mm maintenance field and storage barn for munitions. 

Monday – 2nd July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report7

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Berry, Gordon B. (FA)                     01 171 053    1st Lt.                 Code J6
                              Jd from 974th FA Bn Re: M/R remark 1 jul 45
                              Princ dy unasgd, Race W, Comp AUS (ASR 96-
                              No-40.0-A) not previously reported. Reld
                              from asgmt and drfd to and departed for Btry
                              A this Bn par 1, SO #44, Hq 244th FA Bn.
                    Brink, Phillip A. (FA)                       01 169 037    1st Lt.                 Code J6
                              Jd from 974th FA Bn Re: M/R 1 jul 45
                              Princ dy unasgd, Race W, Comp AUS (ASR 85-
                              No-34.5-A) not previously reported. Reld
                              From asgmt and trfd to and departed for Btry
                              B this Bn par 1, SO #44, Hq 244th FA Bn.

Monday – 2nd July 1945 Battery “A” Morning Report8

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Berry, Gordon B. (FA)                      01 171 053    1st. Lt.                Code A9
                              Asgd & jd from Hq & Hq Btry this Bn
                              Princ dy 0600 Race W Comp AUS. (ASR 96-No
                              -40.0-A) per par 1, SO #44 Hq 244th FA Bn
                              Code FA30, 1LTF, 0600, 0600, 6, 96, 400, A

Tuesday – 3rd July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report9

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Shoffeitt, Paul E. (FA)                      0 353 034    Capt.                   Code J1
                              Reld from asgmt and trfd to and departed for
                              212th FA Group, par 4, SO #52, Hq XII Corps

Tuesday – 3rd July 1945 Battery “C” Morning Report10

                              Cham Germany wU5880
                    William, James                               34 093 955    Pfc.
                              Sk Hosp to dy (re remark M/R 28 Jun 45)

Tuesday – 3rd July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Cham, Germany, alerted to go home, told we were to fly, should be in the States in 4 Days.

          Aerial photo overlay onto Google Maps showing the area around the Schwager Villa Headquarters and where other photos were taken.

Wednesday – 4th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Moring Report11

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Strickland, Theron M.                      20 726 662    Tec. 3                  Code K1
                              Atchd unasgd to and departed for 14th Re-
                              inf Depot par 27 SO 105 Hq XII Corps.
                    Bricker, Davis P.                            16 002 027    Tec. 4                  Code K1
                              Atchd unasgd to and departed for 14th Re-
                              inf Depot par 15, SO 105 Hq XII Corps.
                    Carver, Rovert H.                           34 421 760    S/Sgt.                  Code K1
                              Trfd to and departed for 344th FA Bn, APO
                              90 par 1, SO #45, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Kirby, Joseph T.                             34 420 599    S/Sgt.                  Code K1
                    Blizzard, Louis C.                           34 339 436    Tec. 4                  Code K1
                    Vickers, Cecil R., Jr. 34 249 130  Cpl.  Code K1
                              Above 3 EM trfd to and departed for 915th
                              FA Bn, APO 90 par 1, SO #45, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Wingate, James W.                         34 248 891    Tec. 4                  Code K1
                    Arnolfo, Joe, Jr.                             39 123 549    Tec. 5                  Code K1
                              Above 2 EM trfd to and departed for 345th
                              FA Bn, APO 90 par 1, SO #45, Hq 244th FA Bn.
                    Tyler, Curtis E.                              38 325 938    Tec. 5                  Code K1
                              Trfd to and departed for 90th Div Arty, APO
                              90 par 1, SO #45 Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Alexander, Charles H.                      44 031 417    Pfc.                    Code K1
                              Trfd to and departed for 323rd FA Bn, APO
                              3 par 1 SO #45, Hq 244th FA Bn

Wednesday – 4th July 1945 Battery “A” Morning Report12

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Nichols James E.                            20 410 069    S/Sgt.                Code K1
                    Cannon, Howard J.                         20 410 268    Sgt.                   Code K1
                              Above 2 EM reld asgmt & atchd unasgd 14th
                              Reinf Comd Depot per par 12, SO#105, Hq
                              XII corps deparded.
                    Hooper, Thomas                             20 410 282    Pfc.                   Code K1
                              Reld asgmt & atchd unasgd 14th Reinf Comd
                              Depot per par 14, SO #10, Hq XII Corps
                    Smallwood, Jimmie E.                      20 444 297    Cpl.                   Code K1
                              Reld asgmt & atchd unasgd 14th Reinf Command
                              Depot per par 22, SO #105, Hq XII Corps
                    Strang, William C.                          39 409 638    Tec. 5                 Code K1
                    Taylor, Raymond A.                        37 393 248    Tec. 5                 Code K1
                              Above 2 EM reld asgmt & asgn to 345th FA
                              Bn Per SO #45, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Sheckler, Floyd E.                          35 294 529    Cpl.                   Code K1
                    Balog, Frank J.                              42 015 531    Tec. 5                Code K1
                              Above 2 EM reld asgmt & asgd to 915th FA
                              Bn per par 1, SO #45, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Holmes, Walter M.                          33 368 930    Cpl.                  Code K1
                              Reld asgmt & asgd to 322nd FA Bn per par
                              1 SO #45, Hq 244th FA Vn
                    Rasey, Loyde R.                             35 240 536   Pfc.                    Code K1
                              Reld asgmt & asgd to 323rd FA Bn per par
                              1 SO #45, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Lockwood, Charles H.                      34 402 039    Tec. 4                Code K1
                              Reld asgmt & asgd to 343rd FA Bn per par
                              1 SO #45, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Sheerin, Vincent J.                         39 123 513    Cpl.                    Code K1
                              Reld asgmt & asgd to 344th FA Bn per par
                              1 SO #45, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Losh, Robert K.                              39 409 599    Pfc.                    Code K1
                    Kessler, Elwin W. 39 409 650   Pfc.  Code K1
                              Above 2 EM dy to sk 101st Evac Hos
                              LD (undetermined)

Wednesday – 4th July 1945 Battery “C” Morning Report13

                              Cham Germany wU5880
                    Dykes, Herbert                              34 249 529    Pfc.
                              Dy to sk LD 101st Evac Hosp
                    Luiz, Albert                                   20 140 529    1st Sgt.              Code K1
                    Vincent, Marcel A.                          20 140 552    S/Sgt.                Code K1
                              Above 2 men Reld Asgmt & atchd unasgd to
                              14th Reinf Depot APO 583 per Par 9, SO #105 Hq
                              XII Corps departed
                    Evans, James E.                              6 592 517    Pfc.                   Code K1
                              Reld Asgmt & stchd unasgd to 14th Reinf
                              Depot APO 583 per Par 20, SO #105 Hq XII Corps
                    Slate, Barnett                                20 410 295    Pfc.                   Code K1
                              Reld Asgmt & Atchd unasgn to 14th Reinf
                              Depot APO 583 per Par 14, SO #105 Hq XII corps
                    Riemenschneider, Albert F.               33 922 350    Pvt.                  Code K1
                              Reld Asgmt & Asgd to 323rd FA Bn APO 83
                              per Par 1, SO #45 Hq 244th FA Bn departed
                    Hardaway, John T.                         34 359 385    Cpl.                   Code K1
                    Ross, Bernard                                42 074 308    Pfc.                  Code K1
                              Above 2 EM Reld Asgmt & Asgd to 344th FA
                              Bn APO 90 per Par 1, SO #45, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Segeski, Zlexander G.                      35 520 580    Tec. 5                Code K1
                    Wolas, Richard T.                           36 992 947    Pfc.                   Code K1
                              Above 2 EM Reld Asgmt & Asgd to 345th FA
                              Bn APO 90 per Par 1, SO #45, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Beach, Willner                               34 339 562    Tec.4                 Code K1
                    St. John, Elmer D.                          34 249 306    Tec. 4                Code K1
                    Willer, Milton G.                             34 339 401    Cpl.                   Code K1
                    McGuire, Hetsel S.                          35 219 022    Pfc.                   Code k1
                              Above 4 EM Reld Asgmt & Asgd to 915th FA
                              Bn APO 90 per Par 1, SO #45, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Wolt, Peter                                   32 633 601    Pfc.
                    Eaigler, George T.                          33 239 449    Pfc.
                              Above 2 EM dy to sk (LD Undetermined)
                              101st Evac Hosp

Wednesday – 4th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Rose 4:30 AM. Cook John Dellin prepared breakfast for us. Left Cham at 5:30 AM in open truck, (and in pouring rain) arrived Regensburg 7:30. Told we were going to France by train.  We were herded in box-cars (40 X 8’s) as the trip progressed we found out what 40 X 8’s meant, 40 Kilometres in 8 days.  Scheduled to leave out at 8:00 AM, but in true Army fashion, train didn’t move until 10:40, and that was only a 200 yd. move, there we waited and waited.  Little did we know how many of these short moves we were to experience throughout our journey.  The box-car called for 20 men, but it seemed that everyone like the car we were in, result – – – we had 38 men, plus baggage.  We finally arrived Nuremburg 4:20 PM; a distance of 90 miles, we all gave the engineer a big hand.  Had chow, wonderful “K” Rations were devoured, I say devoured because by this time everyone was growling.  Those enticing little tidbits were to be our nourishment for the next 3-days.  Left Nuremburg 7:30 sleeping conditions weren’t quite like the “Statler”, if one moved an inch either way, a shoe or a rear-end was encountered, but we didn’t care we were going home by air, the “Green Project Plan” it was rightly named.

          Cham Germany with the three aerial photo overlays onto Google Maps.  Left – the German airfield used for the parade grounds and awards ceremony. Top center – the Schwager Villa 244th Headquarters. Right – the PWE enclosure and ball field.

Thursday – 5th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report14

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Cuber, Powell A.                           37 084 016    T/Sgt.   MOS 542      Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from 322nd FA Bn, APO 83, Race
                              (ASR 86-A) par 6, SO #148, Hq 83rd Inf Div.
                    Aulberry, Joseph M.                       35 090 279    Tec. 5   MOS 405      Code 11
                              MOS changed to 641
                    Unwin, Robert G.                           37 077 732    Tec. 4   MOS 405      Code 11
                              MOS changed to 821

Thursday – 5th July 1945 Battery “A” Morning Report15

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Synncar, Loyd W.                          33 442 449    Pfc.     MOS 641      Code A1
                              Asgd & jd from Hq 83rd Inf. Div. Race W
                              (ASR 92-A) per par 4 SO #46, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Davis, Lance W.                            13 144 619    Cpl.     MOS 228      Code A1
                              Asgd & jd from Hq 83rd Inf. Div. Race W.
                              (ASR 93-A) per par 5 SO #46, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Terry, Lee R.                                39 409 613    Pfc.                       Code 11
                              Rd to gr Pvt. per par 1 SO #21 this Btry
                    Berton, Pasquale A. 33 765 535    Pfc
                    Flick, Edward J. D.                         36 284 171    Pvt.
                              Above 2 EM dy to sk 316th Clr  Sta LD

Thursday – 5th July 1945 Battery “C” Morning Report16

                              Cham Germany wU5880
                    McClung, Lovell H. 35 445 509 Pfc. MOS 641 Code A1
                              Asgd & Jd from hq 83rd Inf Div. (ASR 93-A
                              Race W) per Par 4, SO #46 Hq 244th FA Bn.
                    Duydes, Herbert 34 249 120 Pfc.
                              Sk LD 101st Hosp to Dy
                    Rogers, James M. 18 057 824 Pfc.
                              Dy to Sk Ors LD

Thursday – 5th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Very beautiful day, everyone arose early, looking and feeling as though they had been on a “bender’.  Scenery consisted mostly of look-at “Displaced Persons traveling in opposite direction.  When the train would stop, many of the “love starved” G I’s wandered over (on the double) and conversed with the German Gals, such phrases as “schlafen mt mir fraulein for chocolate” were often heard (correct spelling not available at this writing)  At one of these famous stops, a GI failed to board the train when we moved on.

Friday – 6th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report17

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Leffler, Howard                            38 102 487    Tec. 5   MOS 345      Code A1
                              Asgd and Jd from 345th FA Bn APO 90, Reace W
                              (ASR-89-E) par #5 SO, #172 Hq 90th Inf Div.
                    Prather, Mayton                            37 106 295    Tec 5    MOS 060      Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from 90th Div Arty APO 90, Race
                              W (A SR 88-B) par 2 SO 172 Hq 90th Inf Div
                    Shinaberry, Jacob W. (FA)               01 172 654    1st Lt.                    Code I3
                              (ASR Score increased to 87 by reason
                              of award of Bronz Star Medal GO #56 Hq
                              XII corps 2 July 45
                    Bodnar, Michael J. W-2                       106 023    WOJG                    Code I3
                              (ASR Score increased to 99 by reason of
                              award of Bronz Star Medal GO #56 Hq XII
                              Corps 2 Jul 45
                    Carr, Kelly H., Jr.                          34 004 000    Tec. 4                   Code J1
                    Unwin, Robert G.                           37 077 732    Tec. 4                   Code J1
                              Trfd to and departed for Btry B this Bn par
                              1, Memo #8, Hq 244th FA Bn
                    Gault, Charley W. 6                            264 697    S/Sgt.   MOS 641      Code J1
                              Asgd and jd from 915th FA Bn APO 90, Race W
                              (A SR 95-A) par 4 SO 172 Hq 90th Inf Div
                    Sutherland, James W.                     38 155 036    S/Sgt.   MOS 226      Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from344th FA Bn APO 90, Race W
                              (ASR 87-C) SO 172 Hq 90th Inf Div
                    Medlin, Eric L.                              34 242 565    Tec. 4   MOS 776      Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from 345th FA Bn APO 90, Race W
                              (ASR 99-A) par 5, SO #172 Hq 90th Inf Div
                    Ryan, Edward G.                           37 171 331    Tec 4    MOS 648      Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from 915th FA Bn APO 90, Race W
                              (ASR 87-B) SO #172 par 4, Hq 90th Inf Div
                    Ramsiere, Alvin                             35 587 606    Cpl.     MOS 605      Code A1
                              Asgd and jd from 915th FA Bn APO 90, Race W
                              (ASR 82-B) par 4 SO 172 Hq 90th Inf Div

Friday – 6th July 1945 Battery “C” Morning Report18

                              Cham Germany wU5880
                    Boutin, Artheru A.                         31 012 972    Pfc.
                              Dy to sk qrs LD
                    O’Grady, Matthew E.                      33 373 769    Tec. 4                  Code A1
                    Hansen, Rolf T.                             33 704 360    Cpl.                    Code A1
                              Above 2 EM reld asgmt & asgd to 949th FA
                              Bn per Par 1, SO#46, Hq 244th FA Bn departed
                    Wiechkoske, Peter J.                      38 092 945    Cpl.     MOS 605      Code A1
                              ASR Score 89-A Race W
                    Paulson, Paul H. 36 213 627    Pfc.     MOS 060      Code A1
                              ASR Score 82-B Race
                              Above 2 EM asgd & jd from 344th FA Vn per Par
                              2, SO #47, hq 244th FA Bn
                    Kominszak, Henry E.                      38 059 730    Tec. 5   MOS 060      Code A1
                              ASR Score 81-B Race W
                    Hambrick, Melvin L.                        34 127 756    Pvt.     MOS 776      Code A1
                              ASR Score 97-A Race W
                              Above 2 EM asgd & jd from 345th FA Bn per Par
                              3, SO #47, Hp 244th FA Bn
                    Bosserman, Siegel                         38 137 092    Tec. 4   MOS 802      Code A1
                              ASR Score 89-B Race W
                    Erickson, Edwin A.                         37 171 155    Tec. 4   MOS 802      Code A1
                              ASR Score 82-B Race W
                    Culak, Ruby                                 38 070 217    Cpl.     MOS 605      Code A1
                              ASR Score 84-B Race W
                    Isenberg, Wayne                           33 413 426    Pfc.     MOS 228      Code A1
                              ASR Score 80-A Race W
                              Above 4 EM asgd & jd from 915th FA Bn per Par
                              4, SO #47, Hq 244th FA Bn

Friday – 6th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Stomach refused to accept another “K” Ration this AM.  At 3-PM we arrived at Falk-Hargarten (French German Border line).  People were as all along the way very hungry.  Black Market is in full swing here.  G I’s are approached and asked to sell trousers, shirts, field jackets, from a hundred to a thousand Franks were offered.  Pulled out 8:45 PM.  Reason for delay, German Engineers are not permitted to enter France, and a French Engineer could not be found, result – – – a 5 ½ -hour wait.  Arrived our destination, “Crunes” France (near Metz, Verdun, Thoinville) at 12 midnight.  Had to remain in box-cars until morning.  Made coffee at 6:30 AM, first of something hot in 4-days.

Saturday – 7th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report19

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Pigati, Guido                                 36 038 707    Pfc.     MOS 641     Code A1
                              Asgd and Jd from 949th FA Bn, APO 758, Race
                              W, par 1, SO #61, Hq 949th FA Bn. (ASB-86-C)
                              EDCMR 6 Jul 45

Saturday – 7th July 1945 Battery “A” Morning Report20

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Gadomski, Henry 35 059 146  Pfc. Code K
                              Reld asgmt & asgd to 696th Reinf Depot
                              Provisional per par 1 SO #58, Hq XII corps
                    Young, William 38 104 035  Pfc. MOS 641 Code A
                              Asgd & jd from 949th FA Bn Race W (ASR 80- Per
                              par 6 SO #47, Hq 244th FA Bn FDCMER
                              6 July 45

Saturday – 7th July 1945 Battery ”C” Morning Report21

                              Cham Germany wU5880
                    Boutin, Authur A.                           31 012 972    Pfc.
                              Sk qrs LD to dy
                    Rogers, James M.                           18 057 824    Pfc.
                              Sk qrs LD to sk 613th Clearing Co LD
                    Dykes, Herbert                              34 249 120    Pfc.
                              Dy to sk 101st Evac Hosp LD
                    Stiner, Joseph J.                            32 138 777    Tec.4    MOS 319     Code A1
                              ASR Score 80-A Race W
                    Strange, Jessie J.                           34 291 191    Cpl.      MOS 864     Code A1
                              ARS Score 80-A Race W
                              Above 2 EM asgd & jd from 949th FA Bn per Par 6,
                              SO #47, Hq 244th FA Bn (EDCMR 6 Jul 45)

Saturday – 7th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          At 8:00 AM a Lt. came down to train and escorted us to our billets, the 34th Reinforcement BN. 330 Co.  Upon arrival we were put right to work, making out “change of address cards”, etc.  We then had breakfast, “hot cakes”. (Which were quite cold by the time we had them)  Next came an orientation, all pistols, cameras, knives etc. to lockup until departure.  We are to remain here for 4 Days.

Sunday – 8th July 1945 Battery “A” Morning Report22

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                                        CORRECTION (4 July 45)
                    Losh, Robert K.                             39 409 599    Pfc.
                    Kessler, Elwin W                            39 409 650    Pfc
                              Above 2 EM dy to sk 101st Evac Hosp Ld
                                        SHOULD BE
                    Losh, Robert K.                             39 409 650    Pfc.
                    Kessler, Elwin W.                           39 409 650    Pfc.
                              Above 2 EM dy to sk 101st Evac Hosp NLD
                    Sevier, Robert G.                           20 937 795    1st Sgt.
                              Dy to temp dy Ordance Depot 0626 La Mans.
                              France for approximately four days
                    Yosh, Robert K.                             39 409 599    Pfc.
                              Sk 101st Evac Hosp HLS to dy
                    Flick, Edward J.D.                          36 284 171    Pvt
                              316th Clr Sta LD to dy

Sunday – 8th July 1945 Battery “C” Morning Report23

                              Cham Germany wU5880
                    Hurley, John G.                             20 140 018    Sgt.
                              Dy to Temp Dy Ordinance Depot #0626
                              Le Mans France for Approximately 4 Days

Monday – 9th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report24

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
                    Gault, Charley W.                            6 264 697    S/Sgt.                  Code K1
                    Medlin, Eric L.                               34 242 565    Tec. 4                  Code K1
                    Hooper, Elmo G.                             34 013 884    Pvt.                     Code K1
                              Above 3 EM trfd to and departed for 115th
                              FA Bn, APO 654 par 2, SO #38, Hq 410th FA
                    Cassell, Harold V.                           14 138 549    Cpl.
                    Chapman Earl T.                            39 409 586     Cpl.
                    Davis, Robert W.                            39 123 574     Pfc.
                              Above 3 EM dy to temporary dy Ordnance Dep
                              No.0626, Le Mans, France approximately 4
          Days 8 Jul 45.
          29 Jun – 9 Jul 45 incl, Cham, Germany
          Usual Garrison Duties.

Monday – 9th July 1945 Battery “C” Morning Report25

                              Cham Germany wU5880
                    McClung, Lovell H.                         35 445 509    Pfc.
                              Dy to sk 613th Cleraing Co (Self enflicted
                              gun shot wound) LD
                    Carlson, Alden C.                           32 037 011    Sgt.                   Code K1
                              Temp dy XII corps PW Team to dy & reld
                              asgmt & asgd to 115th FA Bn. APO 654 per Par
                              2, SO #38, Hq 410th FA Gp departed
                    Nicholdon, Rufus J.                        20 468 499    S/Sgt.                 Code K1
                    Yates, John W.                              38 069 603    Sgt.                    Code K1
                    Zigo, Paul T. 33 023 153 Sgt. Code K1
                    Hambrick, Melvin L.                        34 127 756    Pvt.                    Code K1
                              Above 4 EM reld asgmt and asgd to 115th FA
                              Bn APO 654 per Par 2, SO #38, Hq 410th FA Gp

Monday – 9th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Returned to camp at 10:00 AM.  Nothing on the program rest of day.

Tuesday – 10th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report26

                              Cham, Germany wU5880
          Alerted for departure 11 Jul 45 to Ord Dep
          #0626 Le Mans, France per Ltr AC-370 (CNMLC)
          Hq XII Corps dtd 6 Jul 45. Permanent change
          of station.

Thursday – 10th July 1945 Battery “C” Morning Report27

                              Cham Germany wU5880
                    Lindsay, John C.                           34 339 595    Cpl.                    Code Q4
                              Reld Asgmt (re M/R 17 Jun 45)
                    Fabian, Stephen A.                        33 292 617    Cpl.                    Code K1
                    Bogers, James M.                          18 057 824    Pfc.
                              Sk 613th Clearing Co LD to dy
          Alerted for departure 11 jul 45 to Ordnance
          Depot #0626 Le Mans, France per Ltr AG 370
          (GNMLC) Hq XII Corps dtd 6 Jul 45. Permanent
          change of Station.

Thursday – 10th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Had to see a movie entitled “Why We Fight” makes an even 5-times we have seen this picture.

Wednesday – 11th July 194528

          The Battalion departed Cham Germany.

Wednesday – 11th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report29

                              Aschaffenburg, Germany wN0255
          Departed Cham, Germany wU5880 via Motor
          Convoy 0610. Bivouacked present Sta 1755.
          Distance marched 203 miles.

Wednesday – 11th July 1945 Battery “C” Morning Report30

                              Aschaffenburg, Germany wN0255
          Departed Cham Germany wU5880 via motor
          convoy at 0606 hours arrived Present Sta
          1715 distance marched approximately 202 miles

Wednesday – 11th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Drew new clothing today.  Allowed to have only 1-set of OD’s for remainder of trip – – very warm.

Thursday – 12th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report31

                              Metz, France vU8456
          Departed Aschaffenburg, Germany wN0255 via
          Motor Convoy 0600. Bivouacked present Sta
          1715.  Distance marched 198 miles.
                              Reld from attachment XII Corps per Third US
                              Army Troop Assignment VE 27 per Ltr AG 322
                              (GNMLC) Hq XII Corps dtd 10 July 45.

Thursday – 12th July 1945 Battery “C” Morning Report32

                              Metz, France vU8456
          Departed Aschaffenburg, Germany wN0255 via
          motor convoy at 0600 hours Arrived Present
          Sta at 1700 Distance marched approximately
          196 miles.
                              Rel from atchmt to XII corps per
                              Third U.S. Army Troop Assignment – VE-27 per
                              1th AG 322 (GNMLC) Hq XII corps dtd 10 Jul 45

          Caption reads – “Fueling at Metz on the way to La Mans.”  P.W.s fuel the convoy

          Caption Reads – Traveling From Cham to Le Mans

          Caption reads – Ten-minute break on the way from Cham to Le Mans

          Caption reads – 1st Lt. Thomas, J. McLaughlin in jeep on the way home somewhere in France

          Caption reads – On the way to Le Mans

          Caption reads – Würzburg Germany

Thursday – 12th July 1945
          Peggy, Lt. Marriott’s Older Sister
Thursday – 12th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Alerted to move out, Marseilles next stop.  Left at 9 PM by train (coaches – – dirty, but a little better than 40 & 8’s).  We’re off again to sleep when and how we can.

Friday – 13th July 194533

          The Battalion arrived Le Mans France.

Friday – 13th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report34

                              North Side Bivouac Area, Paris, France
          Departed Metz, France vU8456 via Motor
          Convoy 0705. Bivouacked present Sta 1700.
          Distance marched 200 miles.

          Caption reads – Camp Nord Paris

Friday – 13th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Friday the 13th.  Train stopped “En-route” for breakfast consisting of: fruit juice, cereal, eggs, coffee, bread and jam.  The feeding of 1000 men took ¾ of an hour.  Scenery along the way vert attractive similar to New England.  Another meal was had at 5:30, this was an hour and a half stop.  Water situation, – – – low, – – very warm.  Arrived Lyon 2 AM.  Remained in depot until 8 o’clock AM.

Saturday – 14th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report35

                              La Milesse, France ½ Mi N vZ3542
                    Cassell, Harold V.                          14 138 549    Cpl.
                    Chapman, Earl T.                           39 409 586    Cpl.
                    Davis, Robert W.                           39 123 574    Pfc.
                              Above 3 EM temporary dy Ordinance Depot
                              #0626, Le Mans, France dy.
          Departed North Side Bivouac Area, Paris,
          France 0800 via Motor Convoy. Arrived
          present Sta 1600. Distance marched 151 miles.

      Caption reads – “July 1945 Le Mans France, SSgt. Leo Proulx, Sgt. Steve Skutnik.”  Photo taken by 1st Sgt. R. Cormier.  Location in Le Mans is unknown.

      Caption reads – “July 1945 Le Mans France” – Public toilet s were common in France.  This outside public toilet was located on the north side next to the old Le Mans Theater. There was one public toilet on the north side and another on the south side. The theater is to the right of the toilet.  The old Le Mans Theater was torn down and replaced.

          Caption reads – “July 1945 Le Mans France – Drinking a toast at a sidewalk café, Sgt Szkutnik, SSgt. Leo Proulx, 1st Sgt. R. Cormier.” The location is believed to be Côté Sud or Brasserie Madeleine.

          Le Mans France. Image of the old Le Mans Theater is overlaid where it stood with its outside public toilets on each end. The café where the toast was given is believed to be just across the open area from the old theater,  Still no location for the other photo.

          Caption reads – Baker Battery 244th F.A. Orderly tent Le Mans

          Caption reads – Le Mans France 244th motor pool

          Caption reads – Kitchen and infirmary Le Mans

          Caption reads – The PX at Le Mans

        Caption reads – “Prisoner of War Enclosure July ’45”
The Mulsanne PWO Camp at the end of the war, Mulsanne France, just South of Le Mans France.  The Camp is comprised of many separate small sections like this one.

          The Mulsanne PWO Camp at the end of the war, Mulsanne France just south of Le Mans, France. 

Saturday – 14th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Bastille Day; French celebrating everywhere.  Street dances.  Even the engineer and fireman drank, result – – – more unnecessary stops.  Normand Champagne and I rode in cab, (something everyone wants to do at one time or another) Col. in charge of train threatened to have engineer and fireman arrested for so many delays.  G I’s very tired, tired – – – and disgusted.  Arrived “Gare Pas De Lancier” 2:30 AM.  Hurry / Our destination.  Left train with baggage walked 300-yds into a vacant lot, there we stayed until 9 AM waiting for transportation to our billets.  Everyone just sprawled out and tried to sleep, but stones were very uncomfortable.

Le Mans Officers Club Card
          Front and Back
Sunday – 15th July 1945
          Lt. Marriott’s Reply to 12th July Radiogram
Sunday – 15th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          At 9:00 AM trucks arrived.  After riding half an hour we reached camp, too late for breakfast.  Some of the boys managed to get a shower before the water supply was turned off.  At this time our spirits were quite low, – – – then to top it all off we were told we would be here for 4 days.  Remainder of day was spent trying to get SLEEP, but, – – to hot.

Monday – 16th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report36

                              Le Milesse, France ½ Mi N vZ3542
                    Bostic, Jarva O.                             34 249 055    Tec. 5
                              Dy to temporary dy 1575th Labor Supervision
                              Co Chartres, France for an indefinite per-

Monday – 16th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Nothing to do this day.  Very windy and dusty, (A second Camp Blanding).  At 7 PM we were told that we would leave out Thursday.

          No caption – Somewhere on the road to Antwerp, Belgium

Tuesday – 17th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          First thing on the schedule was exchange of Francs and Marks into good old U.S. money.  At this time we were formed into plane groups, i.e. group #1 etc., 20 men per group.  Everything to be done from now on would be by group (latrine excluded).  This camp is located 15 miles from Marseilles, DBS (Delta Base Section).  German PW’s are used in the construction and maintenance of camp.  500 men per day are shipped out by air, regardless of weather, also GI’s going to CBI are processed through this center.  Red Cross serves coffee & doughnuts all day, cokes & lemonade during certain hours, movies every night at 10 PM.

Wednesday – 18th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          This AM we had a physical (Shot arm).  Next step baggage weighed in, shaving lotion, lighter fluid, as well as ammo not to be carried.  Two GI’s sent back to their ORG, – – – 10 rounds of ammo were found in the baggage.  In the PM we were given instruction on how to use the parachute & life preservers

Thursday – 19th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Arose 2:00 AM, coffee was our only breakfast.  Loaded on trucks and started for airport 36 miles away.  Here more instruction was given in the use of the parachute.  First plane (group #1) left, or took off at 7 AM.  Arrived “Casablanca” 2:15 PM.  Told we would be here from 1 to 48 hours.  Very quaint place.  French-Moroccans’-Arabs, and a little bit of everything else.  Many beautiful and modern buildings.  Climate very hot.  Siestas are enjoyed every afternoon by the natives.  One can see them sprawled under the palms, under horse-drawn wagons, as a matter of fact they sprawl anywhere, and any time the spirit calls.  An example of this was seen, one Arab decided the street was his spot, well, a GI truck didn’t see him in time, you guessed it, – – -the spot still remains.  Forgot to mention that before we landed in Casablanca, we saw the famous “Rock Of Gibraltar”.

Friday – 20th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Not a thing to do this AM.  In the afternoon we had to see a movie on what to do in the event the C-54 should ditch (ditch is the Air Corps term for forced landing in the Ocean).  The picture is a “must”, tickets are given out after the movie, and are taken up before one boards the transport, frailer to produce this ticket results in another delay “En route”.  We sure have been “sweating” this trip home, lines for chow, coffee, movies, yes and on occasion the “Latrine”.

Saturday – 21st July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report37

                              Le Milesse, France ½ mi N vZ3542
                    Murray, James P.                           37 512 238    Cpl.
                    Hirschenberger, Peter M. J., Jr.        39 124 414    Pfc.
                    Hubbard, Herbert L., Jr.                  37 706 744    Pfc.
                    Seidman, Louis H.                          36 668 624    Pvt.
                              Above 4 EM dy to temp dy Chanor Base, Sec-
                              tion I & E school Charleroi, Belgium for
                              approximately one week.

Saturday – 21st July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Some of the fellows left out this AM.  My flight is scheduled to leave at 7:00 PM; but in true Army fashion everything is “SNAFU”.  At 6:00 PM our names were read over the P.A. system to turn in blankets and to have our baggage weighed-in before 7:00 PM.  Well, at 11:30 PM we were told that the flight was canceled, and that we could re-draw blankets and go to bed and that our flight would be called a bit later.  At this point we all were about ready to charter a canoe for the remainder of the journey.  At 2:30 AM we were again called, breakfast was served; we then loaded into trucks, and off to the airport.  (Total delay of 12-hr)

Sunday – 22nd July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report38

                              Le Milesse, France ½ mi N vZ3542
                    Bostic, Jarva O.                             34 249 055    Tec. 5
                              Temporary dy 157th Lavor Supervision Co
                              Chartres, France, La Milesse, France to dy.
                    Hardman, William T.                       34 339 549    Pvt.
                              Dy to conf. Bn stockade charged with
                              violation of AW #90 & 96

Sunday – 22nd   July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Took off at 6 AM in C-54, beautiful transport, seating capacity 40 persons, seats were truly comfortable, (everything was now forgiven).  After a wonderful trip we arrived “Dakar” at 1:00 PM (12:00 change of time 1-hour).  Had dinner at the base, natives are really BLACK.  Took off at 1:30 PM.  Arrived at Natal Brazil, 10:30 PM (7:30 – change of time, 3-hours).  Here we showered, had supper, enjoyed the privileges of the PX; and our first taste of real beer.  We were given a bed, and something called “Sheets”, a Lt. came in and gave us an orientation as to their usage.  After being in bed for half an hour, we were called out and were told our flight was scheduled for 1:00 AM.  We took off on time in a C-47.

Monday – 23rd July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report39

                              Le Milesse, France ½ mi N vZ3542
                    Hardman, William T.                       34 339 549    Pvt.
                              Conf in Bn Stockade charged with violation
                              of AW #90 & 96 to dy.
                    Shinaberry, Jacob W.                      01 172 654    1st Lt.
                              Dy to temp dy I & E school Paris, France
                              approximately 3 days 22 July 45
                    Mann, Ralph P.                             34 339 337    Pfc.                    Code I3
                              ASR Score changed to 79 by reason of
                              dependent daughter not previously reported.

Monday – 23rd July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          Arrived Belem Brazil at 6:40 AM.  Had breakfast, and off again at 8:00 AM.  Arrived Georgetown, British Guiana 1:00 PM (12:00 change of time of another hour).  Here we had lunch, and relaxed for a few hours.  Very warm.  Took off again at 3:00 PM, landed Porto Rico at 9:00 PM.  Had supper, and off again at 10:00 PM.

Tuesday – 24th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report40

                              Le Milesse, France ½ mi N vZ3542
          15 Jul – 24 Juyl45 incl. Le Milesse,
          France, Usual Garrison Duties.

Monday – 24th July 1945
          Staff Sargent Norman Reeves – Notes Taken On Trip From Germany To Home

          About 3:00 AM we could see the bright lights of Miami Fla., what a wonderful sight, the U.S. at last.  Landed 3:30 AM.  Checked in, once more sheets were given to us, but everyone was too tired and excited to go to bed.  At 10:00 AM another orientation, told we would leave out by train for Blanding Fla. at 6:00 PM.  Food here excellent, Red Cross showered us with milk, ice cream, bananas, and oh / my, what pretty girls, of course these girls couldn’t be approached with “chocolate, or How Much?”  Well, somehow we got through the day.  At 7:00 PM we boarded train for “Blanding”.  At West Palm Beach we stopped for 10 minutes, here we experienced our 1st real welcome to the States.  People bestowed upon us cake, ice cream, cold drinks, it was wonderful, at least we knew we were “HOME”.  Moved on again, and arrived at Camp Blanding 4:45 AM.  Breakfast at 7:00, and orientation at 8:30, we are to be here for 36 hours.  Wandered around camp, visited my old area where I took basic training in ’41, very many changes.

Friday – 27th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report41

                              Le Milesse, France ½ mi N vZ3542
                    Chapman, Earl T. 39 409 586 Cpl.
                    Davis, Robert W. 39 123 574 Pfc.
                              Dy to temp dy 13th port Antwerp, Belgium
                              for approximately 3 days.

Saturday – 28th July 194542

            The Battalion departed Le Mans France.

Saturday – 28th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report43

                              Le Milesse, France ½ mi N vZ3542
          Alerted for departure 29 Jul 45 to 13th
          Port Antwerp Belgium for permanent change of
          Sta per Ltr AG 370.5 HQ Chanor Base Section
          dtd 22 Jul 45

Sunday – 29th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report44

                              North Side Bivouac Area, Paris, France
                    Shinaberry, Jacob W.                      01 172 654    1st Lt.
                              Temp dy I & E School Paris, France to dy.
                    Murray, James P.                           37 512 238    Cpl.
                    Hiraschenbarger, Peter M. J., Jr.       39 124 414    Pfc.
                    Hubard, Herbert L., Jr.                    37 706 744    Pfc.
                    Seidman, Louis H.                          36 668 624    Pvt.
                              Above 4 EM temp dy Chanor Base Section I &
                              E School Charleroi, Belgium to dy.
          Departed Le Milesse, France ½ mi N vZ3542
          Via motor convoy at 0830. Arr Bivouac
          Area at 1600. Distance marched approximat-
          ely 151 miles.

Monday – 30th July 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report45

                              Antwerp, Belgium vJ6896
                    Chapman, Earl T.                           39 409 586    Cpl.
                    Davis, Robert W.                            39 123 574    Pfc.
                              Above 2 EM temp dy 13th Port Antwerp
                              Belgium to dy.
          Departed North Side Bivouac Area, Paris
          France 0700. Arrived present sta 1830.
          Distance marched approximately 220 miles.

Dearest Mother and Dad,
     The shocking news of Peggy’s accident came to me several days before we left Le Mans, France and I held off writing till I’d had a letter from you.
     I know how terrible a shock it was to both of you, and I especially appreciate Dad’s feelings.  Knowing how marvelous a drive he is it must have really been just a “freak” that may never happen ever again to anyone.  The two of you must brace yourselves against these sort of things.  We Marriott’s have been very fortunate all the time and this is just His Will.

     The loss to you two, being alone together now, after so many years of Peggy’s presence, is terribly hard to hear, but I know you will bear it with the strength that has characterized your two lives.  It was so hard at first, but like everything, the loss is there, but one just kind of gets used to it.  I have found out while being over here that to die isn’t the end – it’s just a short stop-over before you go on to better things.  I remember a poem (I think) who’s thought was “weep not for those that have parted” – and went on – we should weep for you – our troubles are over.  It’s a good thought -.
     At church in Cham we used to sing a Hymn “Take it to the Lord in Prayer” -. And – it works – you can get a lot of satisfaction and comfort out of a single prayer – I have.  So, Pop – knowing how you feel – try it.  When I think of how you, keep inside, blame yourself,  I feel very bad too – because you had so little to do in this case you were only the middle man.  Do I sound like the boy who left you 13 months ago?  I’m not, I think I’ve aged – just a little.  My
one wish is that I’d been home to comfort you both – even though I wasn’t – you know how much I was with you.
     So much has gone on here.  We’re seeing the continent.  From Cham to Aschaffenburg to Metz to Paris to Le Mans, to Paris to Soissoms, Brussels and now Antwerp.  We may go to England for a while then back to here or Le Harve.  If all goes well and to plan – I should be home by the end of Sept.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed.  My points are coming in handy.  We are in Chanor (Channel & Normandy) Base section.  It’s not a bad job we guard (starting
tomorrow) dock areas.
     I will be back in the letter writing swing now that we are settled again.  Please forgive me for bing such a bum.
                                    My love to you two.

For comments, questions, corrections, update or to send information, please use –
  1. W. U. (Doc) Savage Letter, December 15, 1949
  2. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  3. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  4. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery A Morning Report
  5. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery C Morning Report
  6. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery SB Morning Report
  7. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  8. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery A Morning Report
  9. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  10. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery C Morning Report
  11. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  12. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery A Morning Report
  13. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery C Morning Report
  14. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  15. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery A Morning Report
  16. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery C Morning Report
  17. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  18. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery C Morning Report
  19. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  20. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery A Morning Report
  21. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery C Morning Report
  22. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery A Morning Report
  23. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery C Morning Report
  24. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  25. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery C Morning Report
  26. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  27. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery C Morning Report
  28. W. U. (Doc) Savage Letter, December 15, 1949
  29. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  30. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery C Morning Report
  31. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  32. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery C Morning Report
  33. W. U. (Doc) Savage Letter, December 15, 1949
  34. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  35. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  36. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  37. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  38. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  39. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  40. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  41. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  42. W. U. (Doc) Savage Letter, December 15, 1949
  43. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  44. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  45. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report