September – 19451

          The Battalion arrived Southampton and operated camp for G. I.’s returning from leave from the continent.

          Caption reads – “Camp Barton Stacey”, Barton Stacey, Winchester Hampshire the camp for G.I.’s returning from leave from the continent

Monday – 17th September 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report2

                              Sudbury, Suffolk, England 2½ mi NE WM5230 BC
                    Hull, William A.                          33 375 449    Tec. 4
                    Blosser, Dean D.                         35 612 951    Tec. 5
                              Above 2 EM dy to temp dy Loire
                              Disciplinary Training Center APO 562 for an
                              indefinite period.

Caption reads –  
          September 1945 London England – 1st. Sgt. R. Cormier and Big Ben

S331b. September 1945 London England - 1st. Sgt. R. Cormier and Big Ben
Monday – 17th September 1845
          Tally – In. Received from: Lt. T. B. Marriott
Tuesday – 18th September 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report3

                              Sudbury, Suffolk, England 2½ mi NE WM5230 BC
                    Jones, John W. (FA)                     0 349 637    Capt.   MOS 9301    Code A9-FA
                              Asgd & jd from Sv Btry this Bn par 2, SO
                              #69, Hq 244th FA Bn., Princ dy intelligence
                              Staff Off S-2 9301, Race W Comp AUS (ASR
                    Marriott, Thomas B. (FA)              01 168 355    1st Lt.                  Code X-67
                              Reld asgmt & atchd unasgd this Btry
                              Par 2, SO #69 Hq 244th FA Bn.
                    Mazhein, John F., Jr.                     0 132 698    1st Lt.                  Code A1-1
                              (Inf) Asgd & jd from 14th Port asuned
                              comd 1193 Race W Comp Aus (ASR 62-No-46.6
                              -D) Par 3, SO #69 Hq 244th FA Bn.
                    Ritter, Ralph R.                            5 098 956    Pfc.     MOS 677     Code A1-FA
                              Asgd & jd from 444th AAA AW Bn Race W ASR
                              72-D Par 4, SO #69 Hq 244th FA Bn, year
                              of birth 1917

          Tec/5 John Outlaw’s Memories of WWII — the Jeep, etc.4

          “There were a lot of good things about driving a Jeep. Gloves The boys on the guns, loading ammunition, had to have gloves, because you couldn’t touch it (the projectiles) with your bare hands. Your fingers would freeze to the metal. So, I was very privileged, driving a Jeep, because I could carry supplies, like I could pick up extra blankets and throw them in the Jeep. When I saw any gloves laying around, I would collect them and pass them out to the boys. Many times I have thawed my fingers with the exhaust from the Jeep.”
     “I was issued in England (this Jeep) with 17 miles [on the odometer]. I turned it in eleven months later with 17,000 miles on it.”
     “We crossed the [English} Channel on an LST [Landing Ship, Tank] and drove off the LST on to Normandy beachhead in 1944. The countries I touched while driving that Jeep were France, Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. We were in Czechoslovakia when the war came to an end.“
     “The German soldiers were giving up. We encountered hundreds of them walking down the road with their hands over their heads.”
     “Of course, all of us were happy. And my outfit settled in Cham, Germany, to get re-adjusted, And, you know, we were there about a month.”
     “After a re-adjustment period, we started the slow process back to the states, with several stops in Germany, France, and across the Channel to England. In England we were bedded down in a Quonset hut for about a month. Let’s see, we made another stop in England. While in England, we were privileged to go on 3-day passes to interesting places, like London. You know, that’s something—I can’t remember how we traveled. Clyde Hardin, from Georgia, visited London and we visited the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square. There were two cathedrals in London we visited. The stone of scone was in the _____________ Cathedral. There was another huge church. I can’t call the name of it—–St. Paul’s Cathedral.. We were on a guided tour. There was a big dome, 80 feet across. You could stand on one side and whisper and be heard on the other side.”

Tuesday – 18th September 1945
          Tally In Miscellaneous – Wrist Watch

Wednesday – 19th September 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report5

                              Sudbury, Suffold, England 2½ mi NE WM5230 BC
          Alerted for departure 20 Sep 45 to
          14th Port Southampton England for
          permanent change of Sta per Ltr
          Movement Order #3024 Hq Uk Base dtd
          15 Sep 45

Thursday – 20th September 1945 HQ & Hq Battery Morning Report6

                              14th Port Camp 18 Southampton England
                    Marriott, Thomas B. (FA)              01 168 355    1st Lt.              Code K1
                              Reld atchd unasgd this Btry and
                              atchd unasgd to 96th Reinf Bn APO 508 A
                              Par 10, SO #246 Hq UK Base edcmr 19 Sep 45
          Departed Sudbury Suffolk, England via
          rail at 1210. Arrived present Sta 2300.
          Distance traveled approximately 150 miles.

Caption reads –
        September 1945 London England –
        House Of Parliament On The Thames River In Fore Ground

September – 19457

          The Battalion departed this general location 50 miles North East of London.

September – 19458

          The Battalion split up generally and those with sufficient points for discharge began movement back to U. S. in October.

There follows a brief statistical summary of the achievements in action of the
          244th Field Artillery Battalion9

     No. of Prisoners of War Handled: 70,000
     No. of Rounds fired (Foreign Weapons) 10,000
     No. of Rounds fired (155 mm Guns) 32,760
     No. of Officers killed:  3
     No. of Enlisted Men killed:  5
     No. of Purple Hearts Awarded:  38
     No. of Silver Stars Awarded:  5
     No. of Bronze Stars Awarded:  90
     No. of Air Medals awarded:  8
     No. of Oak Leaf Clusters to Air Medal:  17

Types of weapons fired:
     7.62 mm Russian Howitzer
     88 mm German
     105 mm German Howitzer and Gun
     105 mm German Howitzer
     155 French Howitzer (Schneider)
     122 mm Russian Howitzer
     244th Primary Weapon 155 mm M1 Gun (Long Tom).

Battle Participation Stars:
     1 – Normandy
     2 – Northern France
     3 – Rhineland
     4 – Ardennes
     5 – Central Europe

     No. of Prisoners taken: 106

     Forgetting the statistics, the trademark of the Battalion is its spirit; its cooperative ability and the firmness of its friendships – all of which combine to make it not only “OUR” outfit but “THE” outfit.

Dearest Mom and Dad,
     I think a week has passed since my last letter was written and that is quite a long time.  I have received your last six or seven letters and you two sound much better now.  I have received Dad’s letter and the money orders – Thanks loads – I really needed it to clear up some debts before I left the Bn.  Yes
I’ve left – along with several others for a high point outfit – one slated to go home in the near future.  Don’t get your hopes up too high, but I should be home for that Thanksgiving dinner – maybe even a little
     I know that makes you feel good.  I’m kind of happy about it myself.  We are located at Swinden – not far from South Hampton.  Greer & Hendry flew home – they were here, but left yesterday.  They will be home this Saturday – tomorrow!!  Sure hope I get a chance to fly – it’s over so soon.  Who knows – I may land on one of the Queens.  It takes time though.  I haven’t heard from Wink or Torres.  Both were transferred out before we left Cham and I haven’t heard from them since.  I dropped them both a line – but I guess they were too busy training.  Chinaberry just walked in – he’s here for the same thing.  I have
been working quite hard before I came here.  I had to turn the base over to a new officer and then turn the Btry over to another.  It wasn’t hard work, but it took quit a lot of time.  It came out quit OK.  All the property was turned over and in good shape.
     Nothing much else to report so I’ll leave you for now. You might as well stop writing to me here –
                                            My love to you both

Saturday – 22nd September 1945
          Casual Officers Clearance Sheet

Saturday – 22nd September 1945
         Owners Certification Affidavits and Customs Declaration

Caption reads –
          September 1945 London England – Piccadilly Circus

Dearest Mon and Dad,
     We have been doing our best to keep our moral up and ourselves warm.  It’s as cold as the dickens here – a real cold wave is roaring and we don’t have any coal or wood for a fire. I am here in town at the Red Cross writing because it’s warm. The Bn made its move from Sudbury to south Hampton Ok.  They are right in town.  Their job is to house, fuel and transport the transient troops who are shipping home.  I hope in a short time they can house me.  All of our papers are in order and we are just waiting for the word. Galway, Greer and Hendry should be home now.  They came (or went) by Green Project. (flying in a C-54)  They sure were happy to leave.
     This place is getting to look like the 244th C.P. there are six of us here now and we expect at least four more in a day or so.  The Bn is now entirely in someone else’s hands.  No old members present.
     I have all my stuff packed in a new AAF Val-Pac – that I found.  It weighs almost 75 or 85 lbs. and is a real killer to carry around.
     Say – if my old summer uniform is there – and that’s what people are wearing in the North & South you might send the things out to be washed and cleaned.  I may be needing them.  Also – if any of my “civvies” are left the same goes there.  Make me feel kind of funny to be talking about these things now after so many years of being in uniform.
     If and when I get home – I will be on “temporary duty” for 45 days – at home.  And then will have 65 days of leave granted.  I will have then a total of three months and three weeks of Army pay (a gift).  Then if Uncle Sam sees fit – I’ll be discharged and a free man again.
     I’m not going to give you a definite date of arrival because I don’t know for sure and I don’t want to get you and Dad all up in the air, then have to spoil all of your dreams.  At least by Thanksgiving!!
     I am going to write to Jane tonight.  I’m not so sure of what I’m going to say.  Up to July – I wrote to her whenever I wrote to you.  Then all of a sudden – she said – “no”.  So I haven’t written a great mistake probably – but I felt kind of bad.
   Oh well, when I see her we’ll both know what to do.  She is a swell person – and I am going down there for a few days – if it’s Ok with you and Dad.  I haven’t had any mail from you for a few days, but I expect when the next crew comes in from the Bn I’ll have a couple from “home”.
     You should see my “shirt snorter”.  It’s about 8 ft. long now.  It covers most countries in Europe and China, Japan, Dutch East Indies, Italy, Russia, Germany, Poland, Rumania, Italy, U.S. Holland, England, France, Czech., Belgium, Luxemburg etc.  I have a fair coin collection and a few foreign buttons.
     I have enough money now to get me home, so you won’t have to bother to send me anymore.
     Have you received the box of pictures and post cards?  They “left” about three weeks or a month ago. Have patience it will get there.
     I will keep you posted on all of my movements – so take care of each other till I get home to you both.
     My love to you –

Dear Mon and Dad,
     Have spent a lovely week-end here.  In the old days this must have been one of the very best, nothing to compare with the hotels at home.  Will tell you all about it when we get together.
My love to you both.


H. M. T. Aquitania10

                                            Length, overall ~~~~~~ 901′ 0″
                                            Beam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 97′ 0″
                                            Draft ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 36′ 0″
                                            Gross tons ~~~~~~~ 44,786
                                            Speed (knots) ~~~~~~~~ 25
                                            Radius (miles) ~~~~~~ 6.000
                                            Propulsion ~~~~~~~ Turbines (4)
                                            Passengers ~~~~~~~~ 7,724
                                            Cargo (cu. ft.) ~~~~  141,600

                      Built in 1914 by John Brown & Co., Ltd., Clydebank, Scotland.
                        Operated prior to World War II by Cunard White Star, Ltd.

          Unloading at the dock

          L to R – Captain William “Doc” Savage, 1st Lt. Bernard T. Kayler, jr., Captain Daniel E. Brewer

        Caption reads – “Kaylor and the Queen”, 1st. Lt. Bernard T. Kaylor jr.

Queen Mary11

                                            Length, overall ~~~~~~1019″ 6″
                                            Beam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 118′ 0″
                                            Draft ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38′ 10″
                                            Gross tons ~~~~~~~ 81,235
                                            Speed (knots) ~~~~~~~~ 28
                                            Radius (miles) ~~~~~~ 5,250
                                            Propulsion ~~~~~~~ Turbines (4)
                                            Passengers ~~~~~~~~ 10,595
                                            Cargo (cu. ft.) ~~~~  50,000

                      Built in 1936 by John Brown & Co., Ltd., Clydebank, Scotland.
                        Operated prior to World War II by Cunard White Star, Ltd.

New York Port of Embarkation (NYPE) Camp Kilmer Pamphlet No. 1
          Information for all Personnel Returning from Overseas
Wednesday – 10th October 1945
          Application for Appointment And Settlement Of Preference For Reserve Officers
Cunard White Star
          Dinner Seating Ticket
341. Front Cunard White Star Restaurant Receipt (2)
341b. Back Cunard White Star Restaurant Receipt-2
Berthing Card
          Front and back
340b. Front Berthing Card C-Deck Room 9
340b. Back Berthing Card C-Deck Room 9

          Welcome Home Well Done, New York Harbor

          Enlargement, Welcome Home Well Done, New York Harbor

Friday – 12th October 1945
          Shoe Purchase Certificate Ration Card – Fort Sheraton Illinois
Wednesday – 17th October 1945
          Special War Ration Card
Friday – 31st October 1945
          1st. Sgt. Raymond Cormier Separation Qualification Record
5b. 31 October 1945 Separation Paper
6b. Sepeeration papers-2
Friday – 31st October 1945
          1st. Sgt. Raymond Cormier Separation Qualification Record
          Homeward Bound from Camp Shanks, N. Y.
          1st. Sgt. Raymond Cormier Gift to his mother


Tuesday – 25th November 1945
          Tec. 5 Harold Metheny – New York Port of Embarkation Paper
Tec.  5 Harold Metheny
             Sailed from Southampton England on November 19th and arriving New York
             Port of Embarkation on November 25, 1945 aboard the S. S. Europa.
Tuesday – 24th November 194512
          Byron G. Rogers, A Battery

          I left South Hampton, England November 24, 1945 on board the SS Europa.  It was a French luxury liner that had been captured by the Germans.  The U.S. captured it from the Germans, and used it to take us home.  There were 10,000 troops on board the ship, and many of them, including me got food poison.  We first started getting seasick during a storm, and then we got food poison on top of that.  The food had to be thrown overboard.  Meantime I had visited the latrine, and stored me up a supply of toilet tissue for later use.  I figured there wouldn’t be any when I needed it.  We arrived in New York November 29, 1945, and went from there to Camp Gordon, Georgia to be discharged.  I was discharged as a T -5, Tech Corporal.

S. S. Europa
Friday – 30th November 1945
          Cpl. Kilby H. Hoyle Separation Qualification Record

December 1945

Thursday – 6th December 1945
          Lt. Hightower’s Certificate Of Service
Friday – 21st December 194513
          The Death General George S. Patton, Jr.

          At 6:00 a.m. on December 21, 1945, General George S. Patton, Jr. passed away in his sleep. A blood clot in his paralyzed body had worked its way to his heart, stopping it and ending the life of one of America’s greatest battlefield commanders.

     The 60-year-old general had led a life of adventure, fighting in almost every major American twentieth century conflict. His career climaxed with World War II, where he led corps and armies from North Africa, to Sicily, to the continent of Europe. He often led from the front, and he almost always delivered victory. His swift conquest of Sicily, his race across France, his relief of Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge, and his drive into Germany destroyed German armies, saved American lives, and captured the collective imagination of the American public.

     Yet, all his laurels could not protect the General from a simple car accident eight months into the peace. Twelve days before his death, on December 9, 1945, Patton was sitting in the back of his limousine when his driver, PFC Horace Woodring, sped too fast over a railroad crossing in Manheim, Germany, and plowed into the passenger-side of a left-turning Army truck headed into a depot.

     No one was hurt except Patton, who, despite a nasty gash on his head, immediately realized he had been paralyzed. He asked his chief of staff, Major General Hobart “Hap” Gay, who was sitting next to him, to rub his fingers. When Gay did so, Patton barked, “Go ahead Hap, work my fingers.”

     Patton was rushed to the 130th Station Hospital in Heidelberg, 12 miles away. There, he was x-rayed, revealing two crushed vertebrae. Simply put: Patton had broken his neck. For the next 12 days, Patton lay in traction, at times with painful fishhooks implanted into his cheeks on either side of his upper jaw, attached to weights to stabilize his neck. His wife, Beatrice, flew in from Boston to be at his side and read him books and letters from well-wishers. Showing a few signs of recovery, his doctors put him in a body cast to prepare him for a flight home to the United States. Unfortunately, he succumbed to his paralysis and breathed his last before the move could be made.

     With the General’s passing, Beatrice had to decide where his remains would reside. She wanted the body returned to the United States and buried near their Massachusetts home. The French government, grateful for Patton’s role in liberating their country, offered to bury him in Napoleon’s tomb, where a number of great marshals were laid to rest. But at the recommendation of Major General Geoffrey Keyes, Patton’s deputy commander in North Africa and Sicily, Beatrice made up her mind. “Of course,” she declared, “he should be buried here. Why didn’t I think of it? I know George would want to lie beside the men of his Army who have fallen.” She decided her husband would be buried at the American Cemetery in Hamm, Luxembourg, which was filled with Patton’s Third Army soldiers killed during the Battle of the Bulge.

     On December 22, an Army ambulance brought Patton’s body to Villa Renier, where it would lie in state to be visited by friends, soldiers, and the general public. The next day, people lined Heidelberg’s streets (and some roofs) to watch Patton’s funeral procession on its way to the Episcopalian Christ Church. Cavalry reconnaissance vehicles led the way, followed by an Army ambulance and staff cars holding dignitaries. An M3 half-track bore Patton’s flag-draped gunmetal casket, escorted by helmeted soldiers wearing white gloves. Allied friends and acquaintances walked behind the casket. At every block, sentinels at present arms kept the crowds at bay.

     After a ceremony at the church, pallbearers placed Patton’s casket back onto the half-track for the trip to the train station. Pallbearer Master Sergeant George Meeks, Patton’s long-serving enlisted aide, could not hide his grief at losing his commander and friend. At the station, the casket was placed on a train for Luxembourg. Before it departed, seventeen Army cannons roared a salute to the fallen general.

     Upon arrival in Luxembourg, a light rain fell as the casket was brought to the cemetery on December 24, the day before Christmas. Locals removed their hats as the casket passed. A horse with boots backwards in the stirrups joined the journey to the cemetery. In the gray skies above, an aircraft circled, attempting to bring Lieutenant General Walton Walker, one of Patton’s former corps commanders, to the funeral, but low cloud cover prevented it from landing.

     Under a large tent to keep the rain away, the pall bearers placed Patton’s casket over a grave dug by German prisoners of war. Out in the rain, an honor guard fired volleys. Although there was no eulogy, various holy men, including a group of rabbis wearing their concentration camp uniforms, prayed over Patton’s grave. When a reporter asked the rabbis why they prayed for an anti-Semite, they explained that Patton’s generalship ended the war months earlier than it would have without him, thus saving the lives of thousands of concentration camp victims. The brief ceremony over, Beatrice exited the tent clasping the tri-folded flag that had covered her husband’s casket.

     Patton did not remain in his plot for long. Hordes of well-wishers tore up the cemetery grounds making the trek to his grave in the back corner. To remedy the situation, cemetery workers moved his casket to a more central location, but it was hardly the cure, as people still made a path to the grave. Finally, the general was moved to the front of the entire cemetery, where, today, patio stones protect the ground and a white chain-link barrier preserves the grass around Patton. His cross faces those of the men he led, as if he were leading them again for one last battle.

Monday – 24th December 1945
          PFC. Anthony F. Keane, Battery C
                                        PFC. Anthony F. Keane, Battery C


Tuesday – 19th February 194614

          The 244th F.A. Battalion Was Inactivated at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey.

Thursday – 26th September 1946


Thursday – 31st July 1947
          War department Letter – Capt. Joseph T. Lyons
Friday – 22nd September 1947
          1st Lt. Robert Malm letter to Ester Lyons widow of Cpt. Joseph T. Lyons


Monday – 2nd August 1948
        1st Lt. Marriott – Army of Occupation Medal With German Clasp Original
Tuesday – 17th  August 1948
          Fire Protection Company Disability Performance Letter For VA Application
Monday – 23rd August 1948
          Special Order No. 184 – Honorable Discharged From The Illinois National Guard
Friday – 5th November 1948
          VA Disability Application Denial Letter


Thursday – 10th February 1949
          Unit Assignment
Thursday – 10th March 1949
1a. 3-24-49 New York (2)
2b. 3-24-49 New York Envelope
          Army Extension Courses Application For Enrolment Form
          Training Program For Headquy Publication ORCTP 6-160-1N


Wednesday – 1st March 1950
          Certificate Of Individual Performance Of Reserve Duty
Wednesday – 2nd May 1950
          Certificate Of Individual Performance Of Reserve Duty
Saturday – 17th June 1950
        Certificate Of Individual Performance Of Reserve Duty – First Aid
Monday – 30th October 1950
      1st Lt. Hightower – Honorable Discharge



Friday – 7th March 1952

          The Artillery School Fort Sill – Subcourses Available

Wednesday – 7th May 1952
          Military Occupational Specialties – MOS Qualifications

Friday – 13th July 1952

          The 244th F.A. Battalion Was Allotted to the Regular Army.

Monday – 17th November 1952
          1st. Lt. Thomas B. Marriott, jr. appointed as a Reserve Commissioned Officer into Officers Reserved Corps


        Headquarters Illinois National Guard,
     Navy Pier, Chicago II, Illinois
     Army Reserve Evaluation Questionnaire Program (1953)

Wednesday – 25th February 195315

          The 244th F.A. Battalion was Redesignated as the 244th Armored Field Artillery Battalion and assigned to the 10th Armored Division, Third Army Artillery – Brigadier General Edward T. Williams.


27th January 198416
     L. W. Breazeale and Eugene Heffner meet for first time in 32 years



244th Reunion 1987


244th Reunion 1992


244th Reunion17


Wednesday – March 27th 2002 Biloxi-d’Iberville Press
          Captain Joseph T. Lyons


244th Reunion18


The U.S. Army’s Most Costly Victory19


Notes form France honor US Soldiers’ D-Day sacrifice20

Third U.S. Army, XII Corps

244th Field Artillery Battalion




          Uncle Sam which has the same initials as United States, is a common national personification of the federal government of the United States or the country in general. Since the early 19th century, Uncle Sam has been a popular symbol of the U.S. government in American culture and a manifestation of patriotic emotion. Uncle Sam has also developed notoriety for his appearance in military advertising, popularized by a famous 1917 World War I recruiting poster by J.M. Flagg.21

Lake Forest 1936 Health Education Card, Tom was 17 years old.
          Prior to enlisting, Thomas Marriott attended Lake Forest Academy. Upon graduation from Lake Forest in 1938, Tom attended Carlton Collage, Northfield, Minnesota. He attended Carlton for two years, his major was economics.

18th October 1940
          Private Thomas B. Marriott, jr., 21 years old, enlisted in the Illinois National Guard, 33rd Infantry Division, 122nd Field Artillery Regiment, Battery E

          Private Thomas B. Marriott, jr. at his parents residence, 389 Park Boulevard, Glen Ellyn, Illinois with the corner of the garage on the left and his fathers garden in the background. The 1940 Dodge Desoto Chrysler Plymouth convertible went with him until leaving for the ETO

          Private Thomas B. Marriott carried these next three photos’ with him throughout the war. His parents residence, 389 Park Boulevard, Glen Ellyn, Illinois

          This photo showing the summer porch attached to the garage and the back yard with garden.

          Caption reads – The whole damn family, you asked for it 

18th October 1940
        Enlistment Record Illinois National Guard

October 1940
          Illinois National Guard, 33rd Infantry Division, with the 122nd Field Artillery Regiment, departs Chicago from the US Army            National Guard HQ on Calumet Avenue by motor convoy

No Caption

No Caption

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No Caption – Somewhere along the rout to Camp Forrest. Convoy parked on both sides of the road. Sign reads, Dine Dance. Brown Derby. Tourists Cottages Restaurant, Airconditioned

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October 1940
          Illinois National Guard, 33rd Infantry Division, with the 122nd Field Artillery Regiment, arrives Camp Forrest, Tenn.

Caption Reads – No place for a Red Cap

18th October 1940
          Pvt. Marriott’s Identification Card, Camp Forrest, Tenn.

10-18-40 Camp Forrest Identification Card 1a

Caption reads – Cement piles, ready for carpenters to lay floor

Caption reads – Floor and walls, frame sections, newly hardened piles

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Caption reads – Ready and waiting for the Illinois Guard

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No Caption – 122nd F.A. Regiment motor pool

Pvt. Marriott’s Hand-drawn Camp Forrest Map Overlay Onto Google, Tullahoma Tennessee with the 122nd is housed in E marked with 122 F.A.

Camp Forrest Tennessee, At South End of Tennessee Maneuver Area

Caption reads – Arrival in camp – this is no place for a Red Cap

Caption reads – Constant practice makes perfect

Caption reads – “Parade Rest” 129th. Infantry Bn. on parade at early formation

Caption reads – Instruction with a 37mm Anti-tank gun

Caption reads – Looking down the main street of Tullahoma Tennessee. West. Lincoln Street has changed greatly since this photo was taken here.

Caption reads – Pvt. Marriott hand drawn Camp Forrest map

Caption reads – Floor and walls, frame sections, newly hardened piles

Caption reads – new streets and buildings

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Caption reads – Ready and waiting for the Illinois Guard

Caption reads – Calvary Scout cars enroute to Louisiana

Caption reads, No Tanks, No Worries.
          Field artillery units had no real defense against tanks

November 1940

Landscaping brought to you by E Battery. 
          Private Marriott bottom left photo swinging the pick. Bottom right photo, the end results of the landscaping crew.

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Western Union telegram from girlfriend Betsy

          WU31 39
                            ZJ MIAMIBEACH FLO 19 12:13p
                             ARTILLERY CAMPFORREST TENN

          MUCH LOVE.

We the undersigned vigilantes . . . 

No  Caption – E Battery photo

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December 1940

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott

January 1941

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February 1941

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March 1941

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No Caption – Pvt. Marriott

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No Caption – Pvt. Marriott in the middle

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott left

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott right

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott right

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott in the middle working on the breach of the French 75mm

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Selective Service Classification Card March 24, 1941

Selective Service Classification Card March 24, 1941, back

April 1941

Western Union, Happy Easter

May 1941

11th May 1941, Western Union Mother’s Day Greeting from Betsy D., Pvt. Marriott’s girl friend to Pvt. Marriott’s Mother 

No caption – Memorial Day Parade, Nashville Tennessee. The crowd waits in front of the War Memorial on Capital Boulevard.

No caption – 27th May 1941, Memorial Day Parade. The crowd waits in front of the War Memorial on Capital Boulevard.

No Caption – The Illinois National Guard, 33rd Infantry Division, 122nd F.A. Regiment marching north east on Church Street passing the old YMCA. Turning left onto 7th Avenue N, then right onto Charlette Avenue and right again onto Capital Boulevard

No Caption – Marching on Capital Boulevard in front of the War Memorial

No caption – Marching on Capital Boulevard in front of the War Memorial with the Tennessee State Capital in the background, Nashville

No caption – Marching on Capital Boulevard in front of the War Memorial and a right onto Union Street

No caption – Marching on Capital Boulevard in front of the War Memorial with the State Capital in the background

No caption – Marching on Capital Boulevard in front of the War Memorial and turns right onto Union Street.

No Caption – The 122nd Passes in front of the War Memorial Building and turns right, west onto Union Street

No caption – The 122nd F. A. passes in front of the War Memorial Building and turns right onto Union Street

No caption – With the Tennessee State Capital Building in the background, the 122nd F. A. Regiment passes in front of the War Memorial Building and turns right onto Union Street

No caption – Continuing right on Union Street

No caption – With the Tennessee State Capital Building in the background, the 122nd F. A. Regiment passes in front of the War Memorial Building and turns right onto Union Street

No caption – Continuing right on Union Street

June 1941

No caption – Pvt. Marriott front

No caption – Pvt. Marriott back

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No Caption – Pvt. Marriott studying with his back to the camera

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott studying

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott studying

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott with his buddies

No Caption – 155mm Schneider M1918 practice

No Caption – 155mm Schneider M1918 practice

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No Caption – convoy accident

No Caption – convoy accident

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott shaving with his radio playing

No Caption – Motcow firing range

No Caption – Ammunition protected on the ground, ready to have there fuses placed and set. One round, to the right is inserted fuze down into the fuze setting device. The time delay fuze is set for 24 to 3 second delay.

No Caption – French 75mm. The 75’s recoil had a length of travel of 40”

No Caption – French 75mm in full recoil with its length of travel 40″

No Caption – French 75mm 

No Caption Firing the French 75mm 

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott sitting on the barrel on French 75mm

No Caption – French 75mm ready to tow with Pvt. Marriott and buddy sitting on the gun

No Caption – French 75mm covered with canvas in background

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott practicing with a BAR

No Caption – Practicing with a BAR

No Caption – Fire control

No Caption – French 75mm in full recoil, target practice

No Caption – French 75mm in full recoil, target practice

No Caption – French 75 with one round ready to have its fuse time set

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No Caption – Standing next to French 75mm

No Caption – second from right Pvt. Marriott and buddies, chow time

July 1941

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott with field pack

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No Caption – two man mortar crew firing M2 60mm mortar. Second mans leg just showing on the right

No Caption – ready for inspection

No Caption – The right seated gunner set elevation and fired the gun. The left seated gunner sighted and set left to right traverse

No Caption – gun crew with French 75mm

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August 1941

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No Caption – Traffic accident

No Caption – M2A4 Stuart light tank with a 37mm M6 gun in the M44 mount. It had one inch of frontal armor. The Stuart carried 147 rounds of 37mm. It was also armed with five .30 cal. Browning M1919 A4 machine guns. One .30 cal. in the bow gunners position, two fixed with one on each side sponson, one mounted next to the 37mm gun in the turret and one mounted on top of the turret. It had a crew of four with commander here standing up who also doubled as the 37mm gun loader, the gunner also in the turret, the driver here on the right and bow gunner shown here on the left.

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No Caption – Arriving at destination with windscreen raised for the breeze.

No Caption – PFC. Marriott, the driver arrives with goggle marks showing from the dusty drive with windshield up.

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No Caption – PFC. Marriott leaning on Civil War field piece with buddy

No Caption – Civil War field piece

No Caption – Lunch time

No Caption – Eating that lunch

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September 1941

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott top right

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No Caption – Pvt. Marriott peering over the truck door

No Caption – Pulled truck onto shoulder 

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott sitting on his truck while pulled off the road

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No Caption – Top left corner, a farmer PU his mail from the mailbox and walking away as the M3 Scout Car passes

No Caption – M3 Scout Car

No Caption – M3 Scout Car

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No Caption – Early M2A4 Stuart light tank 

No Caption – Early M2A4 Stuart light tank with 37mm gun M6 in the M44 mount and carried 147 rounds. The M3 also was armed with five .30 cal. Browning M1919A4 machine guns. Commander, driver on the right and bow gunner on the left clearly visible

No Caption – the gunner or the commander climbing into the M2A4 Stuart with the driver seen below. Just to the right in the sponson is one of the fixed .30 cal. Browning’s. Another .30 cal. Browning is showing mounted next to the 37mm gun

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No Caption – looking inside the larger front right drivers hatch of the M2A4 Stuart

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No Caption – Pvt. Marriott reading a Field Manual or a Technical Manual smoking a cigar. Pack of Lucky Strikes on his lap

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No Caption – M1919 Browning medium air-cooled machine gun .30 cal. Second gunner on the right laying down

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott with a BAR

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott’s .45 cal. pistol

No Caption – M1 Grand, Pvt. Marriott’s infantry tool and the BAR leaning against the tree

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No Caption – M3 scout car, right front bumper showing First Calvary Division DUI

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott starting the day

No Caption – Small dots just above the trees, P-38 fighters 

No Caption – Second photo of the same P-38 fighters with another coming from the right

No Caption – Believed to be B-24 Bomber

No Caption – A bit blurry. a fighter or bomber 

No Caption – Again just above the trees there are nine tiny specks. fighters

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No Caption – Right seat gunner, left seat gunner, loader and gun officer

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott with E Battery sitting in elevation and firing position seat. At the bottom left on the metal box is the fuze setting device. French 75mm

No Caption – E Battery man with French 75mm

No Caption – M3 37mm Anti Tank Gun training

No Caption – M3 37mm Anti Tank Gun training

No Caption – M3 75mm Field Gun M1897 on M2 carriage

No Caption – M3 75mm Field Gun with a French 37mm Mle 1916 Infantry Gun mounted on top. The 37mm Mie shells were less expensive to practice with than the 75mm shells. The math is the same with breach open.

No Caption – 75mm Field Gun crew

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October 1941

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott

Caption reads – Left Jack Nobeison, right Warren Love

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott

No Caption – Sargent

November 1941

No Caption – Pvt. Marriott bottom row right

19th November 1941

          Letter of recommendation for OCS Ft. Sill Artillery School  application

February 1942

No Caption – Time to go

March 1942

No Caption – 75mm Field Gun M1897 on M2 carriage with a French 37mm Mle 1916 Infantry Gun mounted on top. The 37mm Mie shells were less expensive to practice with than the 75mm shells. The math is the same with breach open.

No Caption – The soldier on the left is holding a 37mm shell in his right hand with left hand index finger plugging his ear. Spent brass neatly stacked bottom left. The French Mle gun mounted on top is clearly seen

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April 1942

25th April 1942

Headquarters 33D Division Artillery, Camp Forrest, Tennessee
          Officers Candidate Prep School

May 1942

8th May 1942

      Headquarters 33d Infantry Division Special Order No. 111
To report to Commandant of the Field Artillery school 12th May 1942 to join Class No. 24 beginning 14th May 1942

11th May 1942
          Pvt. Marriott promoted to rank of Corporal 

June 1942

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Arthur Marriott, Bens Brother

Curtis H. Bevington, Bo’s Brother

Thomas B. Marriott, III

Tucker B. Marriott

  1. U. S. Army Heritage and Education Center, U.S. Army Military History Institute 202-244th 1945, “History of The 244th Field Artillery Battalion During  World War II, Page 6
  2. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  3. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  4. 12-27-09 John W. Outlaw telling his daughter, Mary Outlaw, about the Jeep he drove during WWII
  5. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  6. 244th F.A. Battalion Battery HQ & Hq Morning Report
  7. W. U. (Doc) Savage Letter, December 15, 1949
  8. U. S. Army Heritage and Education Center, U.S. Army Military History Institute 202-244th 1945, “History of The 244th Field Artillery Battalion During  World War II, Page 6
  9. Department of The Army, USH&EC, USAMHI, 202-244th 1945, “History of The 244th Field Artillery Battalion During World War II
  10. Troop Ships Of WW II, Ronald W. Charles, The Army Transportation Association Washington, D.C., First Addition April 1947
  11. Troop Ships Of WW II, Ronald W. Charles, The Army Transportation Association Washington, D.C., First Addition April 1947
  12. Serving In Harm's Way, A Record of My Service In The U.S. Army and WWII, Byron G. Rogers jr., January 2006
  13. The National WWII Museum
  14. U.S. Army Military History Institute, James A. Sawicki - Field Artillery Battalions Of The U.S. Army Volume I, Page 440
  15. U.S. Army Military History Institute, James A. Sawicki - Field Artillery Battalions Of The U.S. Army Volume I, Page 440
  16. Commonwealth, Greenwood, Miss January 27, 1984
  17. The Sun Harald, Coast & State Section C, September 14, 1996
  18. The Item, June 6, 2004
  19. The Wall Street Journal, Review Section C5, December 7 & 8 2019
  20. Chicago Tribune, Section 1, Friday, December 25th, 5020
  21. Wikipedia